Korangi is a residential and industrial area with a large number of low-income communities and vibrant markets along several major corridors. It includes one of the largest fishing villages in Karachi. Subprojects in Korangi may include, inter alia: upgrading main roads, streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian crossings wrthin existing ROW; improving existing open spaces such as markets, playground and road medians; installing street furniture, lighting, bus shelters; and safety barriers for pedestrians; and rehabilitating underground infrastructure beneath upgraded roads, and storm water drainage where necessary.
Scope of Works under Korangi sub-Project;
- Provision of Road Safety Features and traffic control devices
- Geometric Design Improvements as per AASHTO standards for urban roads.
- Reconstruction of the pavement structure in sections
- Provision of pedestrian facilities, handicapped people, the elderly, women and children
- Parking provision near commercial centers, mosques and educational institutions,
- Provision of Parking for Private vehicles, Rickshaw / Taxi and /drop off areas.
- Provision of LED Street Lights
- Provision of Trash Bins at convenient locations in the corridor.
- Improvement of existing green belt by installation of benches and planting of shady trees.
- Landscaping of the intersections
- Replacement of old water mains and choked sewer lines and rehabilitation of Over all Utility Network.
- Construction of storm water drains along both sides of the carriageway for effective drainage.
- Upgradation of street lights and major utilities network (K-Electric, SSGC, PTCL, NTC, Cable Operators on roads.
- Installation of urban elements (Benches, Bollards, Cycle Track, Trash bins) and safety features such as universal access for people with special needs and pelican crossing.

Rehabilitation of 9000 Coast Guard Chowrangi to Ibrahim Hyderi Village, Korangi (3 km road)
(Public Space and Infrastructure Improvement)
Indicative map of Korangi site with encroachment clearance